Apparently the residents of Belarus, like birch sap, and they do not collect it at 1.5 liters!
birch sap
birch sap

birch sap

Spatodeya campanulate very beautiful and exotic plants. It is called the “African tulip tree” or “tree-fountain” because of the many large bright red flowers, which form, indeed, resemble tulips. Dark green foliage sets off the beautiful red flowers. A flower essence is beneficial to the skin.
african tulip
african tulip

african tulip
african tulip
african tulip
african tulip
african tulip
african tulip

Thanks to the camera Hirise we can see new photos krassnoy planet.
HiRISE, a high-resolution camera mounted on board the Mars research satellite Orbiter (MRO). This spacecraft is now for one terrestrial day makes about 13 revolutions around Mars. 8 November 2006, scientists formally announced the beginning of the first research stage (main stage of the mission surveying). This phase lasted for two Earth years. Detailed research phase will continue for as long as the spacecraft and the camera is not gone.
multi colored mars
multi colored mars

multi colored mars
multi colored mars
multi colored mars
multi colored mars
multi colored mars
multi colored mars
multi colored mars

Park Joshua Tree, located in southeastern California, received the official National Park status in 1994, after the adoption of the Law on the Protection of the California desert by the U.S. Congress, though in 1936 he was named a national monument.
Its name the park was named after Joshua Tree (Yucca brevifolia), growing in the area. Fleet size of 3,195.98 sq. km – It’s a little more space in Rhode Island (the smallest U.S. state by area).
park joshua tree
park joshua tree

park joshua tree
park joshua tree
park joshua tree
park joshua tree
park joshua tree
park joshua tree

Haydao, the art of making seeds from fruits in the art. Haydao originated during the Song Dynasty (960-1279) in China, but during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) became the most popular form of art. The most senior person in the state were similar decorations.
Often all used peach pits, peach as synonymous with saving in Chinese culture. Given that each stone is unique, so cutting out complex shapes requires considerable years of training and patience!
carved fruit
carved fruit

carved fruit
carved fruit
carved fruit

Incredibly detailed picture drawn by a pencil, I think the artist really tried …
Imagine yourself draws a mechanical pencil on a huge sheet of white paper now 10 hours a day, seven days a week and so on throughout the entire ten months. Many would have surrendered in the first few days but can say with confidence that Joe Fenton – not a majority. He worked in that mode, and set up his incredibly detailed picture, which can only marvel at and remember the engravings from old books, which are likely to see an artist.
Mentone aptly named my project alone. It is true, doing such fine work will perforce have to be a long time just to yourself.
painting circuit
painting circuit

painting circuit
painting circuit
painting circuit
painting circuit
painting circuit
painting circuit

The Great banyan a tree with the world’s largest area of ​​the crown. Located in the Indian Botanic cadu.
Tree age is estimated at 200-250 years. After the lightning strike occurred in 1925 splitting the main stem, so that the barrel had to be cut. After that, the banyan was considered a clonal colony, not a single tree, as before. Around a banyan laid track length of 330 meters, but the tree continues to grow beyond it. Under such a tree can easily hide more than two thousand people at once.
great banyan
great banyan

great banyan
great banyan
great banyan
great banyan

Outstanding digital photo processing methods Dutchman Kees Venebosa been demonstrated in National Geographic and NASA site. Processing of the images he made with the help of landscape modeling Terragen. He has worked with various versions of this program since 1999.
Most of the photographs were obtained by digital simulation of heights on images from various NASA satellites, such as Mars Global Surveyor. He made a lot of pictures for National Geographic, not only Mars but also the good old Earth and other planets in the solar system and extrasolar planets of other systems. Here is the collection of his most beautiful and fantastic images of Mars.
mars incredible photo
mars incredible photo

mars incredible photo
mars incredible photo
mars incredible photo
mars incredible photo
mars incredible photo
mars incredible photo
