Uluru (or Ayers) Rock is located in the central part of Australia. Its height is 348 m, width - 3 km, length - 3.6 km. Depending on the position of the sun, this red sandstone formation changes its coloring from dark purple to gold. 

Amazing views of Uluru Rock no doubt will impress you.  
The desert that was once the bottom of an ancient sea stretches from horizon to horizon in the very heart of Australia. And in the middle of that desert there suddenly appears a rock. Out of nowhere, like an island.

This lump of sandstone of more than 300 m tall with an area of 2 square kilometers is the peak of the mountain destroyed by erosion. It probably stretches underground for more than 6 km.

Debris washed from the rock are accumulated at its foot, and the rock turns out to be deeper and deeper under the ground. You may notice that the layers of sandstone lie vertically when in fact they are supposed to lie horizontally. The point is that 300 million years ago there was a powerful earthquake that lifted up the bottom of the ocean and resulted in formation of vertical layers.

At first glance it seems that the rock is lifeless, but later you understand that it's kind of an oasis in the desert. Many plants around it are fed by water flowing from the rock during desert storms.

At the foot of the rock there is a source where the native people have always been hunting. Kangaroos and other animals come to the source to drink and enjoy the fruits and seeds of plants.

As you already know, the rock has two names: Uluru and Evers. These two names represent two very different world views. Researchers have found this rock and called it in honor of then Governor of South Australia, Henry Eevers. And though the rock has never belonged to this man, the name remained.

Aborigines called this rock Uluru. They are tightly linked with their land. 

Australians call this dry region the dead heart of Australia. But for the Aborigins both Uluru and everything that surrounds it are alive. 

The desert can boast of its various flora and fauna: shrubs, kangaroos, prickly lizards, and many other interesting species of wildlife. 

To see Uluru at different times of a day means to enjoy the fine play of light and shadow.

Uluru reminds the native people and all people around of the time of dreams and oral traditions - the foundation of cultural heritage.

Over the 10.000 years the native people come to Uluru to perform their rites and tell their legends about the birth of the world.

The entry to the place where rites are performed is strictly closed.

And the place is under UNESCO protection.

via affinity4you and it-tours.com


5. Honduras Rosewood

You can find the Honduras rosewood in Belize, Southern Mexico, and Guatemala. They are on the endangered list due to the heavy use of its lumber for various products. The timber produced with this wood is said to be some of the best but surprisingly, there isn’t too much information known about the tree. The wood that is taken from the tree is often of very high quality and the color is what really attracts people. The wood is usually a red purple color with streaks of black. The wood is so unique that people from all over vie to own some of it.
What’s the cause?
The timber made from the Honduras rosewood is highly valuable. A lot of this wood is used to create musical instruments such as guitars and various other stringed instruments. It is most used to create claves and xylophones due to the fact that the timber is said to be heavy and very durable which allows it to provide a very loud but clear note. Also, the wood is often used for carving. Sometimes you’ll even find that the wood is used as a covering for cabinets, knife handles, and even furniture. Sadly, a lot of these trees are being used, but there isn’t nearly as many of them being planted, so the population continues to decline. It’s said to be the worst in Belize where slash-and-burn agriculture is widely used.
To help build up the population again, the Ya’axché Conservation Trust (YCT), the Global Trees Campaign, and the Government of Belize’s Forest Department are all working together to plant Honduras rosewood in private forest reserves so that they can grow and begin to flourish again. The group hopes to plant about 7 tree seedlings per hectare.
4. Clanwilliam Cedar

Often characterized as a majestic tree, the clanwilliam cedar can be found throughout the Western Cape Province of South Africa, especially in the Cederberg Mountains. The trees are extremely tall, growing up to 82 feet in height and they like to take things slow: some of these trees can live to be up to 1,000 years old, and it takes almost 30 years for a tree to produce seeds. The tree has foliage that is needle-shaped and is close together. The foliage often produces small cones at the end of each small twig during the autumn months.
What’s the cause?
Like many other trees on this list, the Clanwilliam cedar is on the endangered list of trees because of the wide need for its timber. The timber that the tree provides is often used for building because it is rot-resistant, as well as for telegraph poles and even for furniture. The tree has been widely used since the 18th century, if not longer, especially by the Europeans. The trees have also slowly been taken over by fine bush vegetation, which often clogs up the habitat needed for a new tree to grow. Besides being used for timber, the tree is also prone to being in areas that are prone to wildfires. Many of these fires destroy the already existing trees and ruin those that have yet to even fully grow. In 2000, 200 hectares of the Clanwilliam cedar trees were burned because of a fire.
In the 20th century, logging of this tree was banned but the trees have not been able to make a strong recovery due to fires. A Cedar Reserve has been created to provide land that will allow the trees to thrive. The reserve also collects and plants seeds to encourage new growth. Photo: UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre.
3. African Baobab Tree

If you’ve ever seen The Lion King, you’ve seen a Baobab Tree. It’s the one Rafiki makes his home. The African Baobab tree is another on the list that has a long history. It is said that some of the trees in existence today have been around for at least 1,000 years. You will find these massive trees, often growing up to 82 feet in height, in the Blue Nile as well as Kordofan and Darfur. Not only is the African Baobab tall, its trunk is also pretty large, measuring in at an average of 32ft. in diameter but others can be as wide as 91 feet. The tree also has fruit, which is also seen in The Lion King, ranging from 3-17 inches that has a dry powdery pulp inside of it. The tree’s fruit is used for various things such as medicine and food.
What’s the cause?
The Baobab tree is on the endangered list for many reasons. For one, droughts within the tree’s habitat have caused them to not have enough water to grow properly. Also, these trees are often cut down so that people can use the trunks to store water in, which can hold about 2376 gallons of water. The fruit is also used for making porridge as well as the leaves, which can be used to make a salad. Some of these seeds are even eaten by elephants, but the elephants would be able to break the seed dormancy which will cause regeneration; however, the population of the elephant is also endangered. Because of all of this, many Baobab trees are used for multiple purposes which then cause the trees population to decline because no one is taking the time to replace the trees that were used.
To help regenerate the Baobab Tree, a group known as Practical Action has come about, which aims to save this species of tree before it’s too late. They collect and plant seeds, raise awareness, and encourage others to plant Baobab trees as well.
2.  Dragon Tree

This tree probably has the coolest history on the list, but you’ll only find the Dragon Tree in Morocco, Madeira, the Cape Verde Islands, and on five of the seven Canary Islands. Tall and slender, the tree has prickly leaves with white-green flowers as well as brown berries that are recovered in a red sweet substance. The history behind this tree goes back for centuries. It is said that in Ancient Rome, the tree was used as a colorant that would cover iron tools. Many times the colorant was used as a varnish. The Dragon Tree also has history in various Greek myths. The most well known is one that tells the story of Hercules and the Apples of Hesperides.  Landon, the hundred-headed dragon is killed, who was said to be the guardian of Hesperides so that Hercules could bring back the three golden apples. When the dragon was killed, it is said that various Dragon Trees sprung up from Landon’s blood, which then flowed across the land, causing more trees to grow. Though the tree has so much history, that history may soon be cut short due to the declining number in population.
What’s the cause?
In Cape Verde the Dragon Tree is considered endangered. However, Brava and Santiago, two places in Cape Verde, consider the tree to be extinct. Due to animals that eat the seedlings of the tree, such as goats, rats, and rabbits, it’s extremely hard for the tree to regenerate. Fires have also been a problem for these trees.
Sadly, there is no conservation of any sort for the Dragon Tree. Instead, various universities and scientists are attempting to cultivate the tree on their own. However, this doesn’t do much help for those trees that are living in the wild.
1. Bois Dentelle

The Bois Dentelle is a truly beautiful tree; sadly there are only two of these trees in existence today (both in Mauritius). This tree is not huge like others on this list; instead, the Bois Dentelle is pretty small, but the flowers that it provides are one of a kind. The flowers are in the shapes of a bell but the petals are lacy. Imagine a piece of cloth that is frayed at the end and you’ll see what these flowers look like. They are extremely distinct and only blossom between January and March. The white flowers hang off of long branches and are often in clusters.
What’s the cause?
No one is exactly sure why the Bois Dentelle has ended up on the endangered tree list. Research is ongoing to determine the tree’s decline to such a low number. Many believe that an alien invasive species, namely Litsea monopetala and Psidium cattleianum, are slowly taking over the Bois Dentelle’s habitat.
Thankfully the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation and the Ministry of Agriculture Division of Horticulture have been able to graft the tree, keeping it from becoming totally extinct.


Have you ever thought about why virtually all American parks and reserves have roads? No, it's not because of Americans' laziness. This is usually because of their large areas and the fact that everyone (even the disabled) could come here and see all this beauty with his own eyes.

Most of the hills are clay-red but you can also see yellow and green.

The structure of the hills resembles the cracked after a severe drought soil.

Color transitions are quite contrasting and very bright!

Most of the hills are fenced.

All the routes are accompanied by signs!

Yellow hills.

Some of the hills are covered with strange white fragments resembling shell.

The soil is very fertile despite the fact that it seems to be dry.

Looks like a juniper.

Mountains in the distance seem to have the volcanic base.

On the road.

It seems amazing that something grows in such clay.

Curious that the hills do not lose their color even though after each rain water flushes the breed and color away.

Roads among the red hills.

Here it really seems that you're on the Mars.

From the other side of the red hill.

All sorts of beautiful flowers grow in the cracked soil. .

Having gone down to the parking lot and covered a few hundreds of meters you find yourself near these hills.

They are perhaps the most beautiful and picturesque.

Amazingly beautiful.

Somebody admiring them.

Some places seem to be the dried bottom of the sea.

Not far away from the hills one can see wigwams.

And different formations.

Of different colors.

via myphototravel
