Change your computer's wallpaper is a Screensaver
By Bill John Smith

Already loaded with the initial Screensavers and Wallpapers: Sometimes Screensavers to play a certain position, but in general they are different. You may wish that one of your wallpaper options could be your Screensaver. Or can your library pictures as your Screensaver. If so, here's how you do it ...

Conversion of an image or images to a Screensaver is very simple. If you find the picture that the process is simple and easy to perform. The first thing that you want to do is create a directory where all the pictures stored. This will help you with easy access to them (as long as you do not forget the place: Make sure that you take note of this).

After you create the list, you need to install, where your wallpaper images are saved in general, they are C: \ WINDOWS \ Web \ Wallpaper. If you have several websites Wallpapers for download, the image can be located in your Gallery, or Internet Explorer folders. The easiest way to search for photos, but if you know the file name you want the background. When you click on the pictures you want, transfer them into the new folder you created.

Pc Wallpaper
Pc Wallpaper
Pc Wallpaper
Once that is done, go to your desktop and right click an empty space. Click on "Properties" option, and that, when open, click the Screen Saver tab. Use the drop-down menu, select "My Pictures Slideshow». Under the Settings button, then click "Browse" and find the folder you created. This Screensaver will allow you to join the directory.

There are other settings available to you are free to modify your needs when you have finished everything before the preview and hit OK. Previewing the Screensaver you can see how it looks, so that you can do, because it takes a picture.

When you're satisfied, click "Apply" and then «OK» and the next time your computer is idle for 30 minutes, hour or whatever time you determine that your Screen Saver image or images you have selected.

If you have your wallpaper options, or do not want to go through the trouble of picking out the wallpaper images you can simply close the Screensaver Settings folder.

Beautiful car Wallpapers: Car Lovers
By Sumit Kumar Gurg

Car lovers around the world who you are in touch with all developments in the world. They also want the car to download Wallpapers to decorate their computer desktops.

Computer users want their computer desktop wallpapers to use for a better view, as of now, there are thousands of websites offering wallpapers download options for users of these wallpapers are available in all kinds of subjects, such as sports, nature, Auto , Film, Celebrities, and so on.

The Internet has enabled many people a lot of work done easily online. They work, listening to music, movies, reading news, playing online games, and their computer systems. The Internet is a very important part of modern life. Due to the growth of the Internet, people started to create new forms of content such as photos and videos to explore. There are several video-sharing sites that offer the facility home-made video online and then start downloading the rest of the world: Portals like YouTube has millions of internet users worldwide to share their home videos Audiences across the world.

Car Wallpapers
Car Wallpapers
Car Wallpapers
Even the photos are heavily consumed online. They are known as the written text, because people naturally feel attracted to the image with text, there are a few photos to sites like Flickr, which allows users to have their pictures online users to share on the Wold, you can download Any photos taken with the camera or even mobile Have fun with the camera and let the whole world.

Wallpapers are very popular with online users: a lot of fun portals offer free wallpaper download facility. Scope Wallpapers also amazing. You can learn about any topic of your choice Wallpapers: This is in addition to other entertainment-related content offered by entertainment sites, such as jokes, riddles, celebrity photos, entertainment news, amazing facts, Funny Jokes, funny videos, online games, etc. uses related to online content is also very popular a few places offer a lot of content on the topic, including celebrity news, photos, videos and celebrity-related Trivia. Add Wallpapers to the users than among car wallpapers.


Oak ChapelPhoto: Ji-Elle
Standing tall and proud, limbs akimbo, this wonderful oak is between 800 and 1200 years old. Found in a small village called Allouville-Bellefosse in France, it has two small chapels in it that are still in use today. One is reached by a spiral staircase and the other is in a hollow on the ground 'floor'.

Oak ChapelPhoto: Le ghola
Locals say the oak has been alive since the time of Charlemagne and William the Conqueror in 1035 but a few scientists say 800 years. Whatever the truth of the matter, it is one of the oldest trees in France and may be one of the oldest in the world.
Oak ChapelPhoto: Le ghola
The tree did not always have the chapel - in the 1600s, it was hit by lightning and much of the tree was hollowed out. These hollows were noticed by two men of the cloth, Aboot Du Detroit and Father Du Cerceau. They built the first chapel to the Virgin Mary in the trunk and later added the second one.
Chene du chapellePhoto: Le ghola
Not only did the oak escape death from the lightning strike but it also escaped death during the Revolution. A crowd came to burn it as a symbol of the hated church and the old ways when a smart local renamed it the temple of reason and it was spared.
Oak ChapelPhoto: Le ghola
The shingles on the tree are to cover signs of aging where the bark has fallen away. Part of the trunk has died and the tree itself is supported by poles but the villagers still come to celebrate mass twice a year in it.
Hopefully, the oak can live on longer and stay a symbol of faith and reason for the people.
Source: 1


BandiagaraPhoto: Patrick Bombaert
The incredible Bandiagara Escarpment is over 150 kilometers long and rises 500 feet into the air – a monumental sandstone cliff that has been on UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites since 1989.

BandiPhoto: Håvard Solstad
The escarpment – which is made of sandstone formed into horizontal layers – has all sorts of irregularities, some natural and some man-made.
BandiagaraPhoto: Jialiang Gao
The Tellem people who existed in the area before the Dogon (who live there now) used to make use of caves carved into the wall to bury their dead, and both peoples have made their villages at not only the bottom of the escarpment but as part of it as well.
BandiPhoto: JialiangGao
The Dogon are a people rich in cultural history. Back when they first came to the land – in approximately 1490 AD – they were fleeing from invaders and drought. The escarpment made the perfect place to set up their villages and defend them.
BandiPhoto: Håvard Solstad
The Dogon practice a religion that is based heavily on ancestor worship. A Hogon is a priest who works with a few villages (rather like a parish priest does in Christianity) and is the spiritual leader of the people. Religious life is part of the day-to-day as well, however. Dogon villages are spiritually divided one sense – a symbiotic relationship is thought to exist between living and dead men – but each person has a shared village surname, a sign of strong unity.
BandiPhoto: Dario Lorenzetti
The incredible rock art above is found in a ritual area for a triennial boys' circumcision ceremony. Ritual and ceremonies are rooted deeply in the culture, with many shrines to their gods and deities. One of the most important rituals is one we in Western society might well take note of; as one site has it: "The women praise the men, the men thank the women, the young express appreciation for the old, and the old recognize the contributions of the young."
BandiagaraPhoto: Lukecf
Ravines pierce the escarpment, making their own microclimate in its shaded terraces. It is humid in the ravines, and they have become home to dense vegetation – some not seen in the valley below.
BandiagaraPhoto: upyernoz
There are even boggy areas that are formed due to water retention in the different fissures of the escarpment, at least on the gentler slopes and horizontal areas.
BandiagaraPhoto: Crazy Joe Devola
In the image above, we have an example of a Dogon village built into the hills. For those who want to learn more about the Dogon, a good article on their beliefs and myths can be found here.
BandiPhoto: Jeff & Susan
Dogon architecture is simple but attractive, made up of mud houses and granaries that traditionally have a thatched roof. The Dogon also make ladders to reach high up the escarpment to spots where there are burial caves for the people.
BandiagaraPhoto: qiv
Here we see one of the ravines mentioned above. The Bandiagara Escarpment is considered one of Africa's most imposing cliffs due to its archaeological and ethnological as well as geographical characteristics. The escarpment culminates in Mali's highest peak, Hombori Tondo.
BandiagaraPhoto: Havard Solstad
The massive rock ends here, after journeying the full 150 km through Dogon land. One of the world’s most impressive cliffs, it can be compared to those of the Grand Canyon and other better-known sites.
Source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


packhorse bridgePhoto: Bill Boaden
Wycoller is a small village in Lancashire, England. Even though it seems to be a typical English village, this settlement dates back more than a thousand years, having being established in the 10th century. Little wonder, then, that today this little village and all its treasures are protected from the outside world: for example, traffic is not allowed into Wycoller – which was forgotten by time, but not by men.

Almost abandoned during the 20th century, Wycoller is being repopulated these days, now that people have realized its immense value. The place is becoming a cherished tourist destination for those travelers who love to see a piece of the past with their own eyes.

Clam Bridge

clam bridgePhoto: Bill Boaden
Clam Bridge is a picturesque construction that has defied time and all natural hazards, and is thus able to stand today, more than a thousand years after its construction – a treasure for the entire community.
Clam Bridge is not huge, it is not beautiful, nor it is an architectural wonder. This unique block of stone was arranged over the stream in an unknown past, supposedly more than 1,000 years ago, by some folks who never even considered the possibility that their simple structure would one day become famous all over the world. How did it survive until this day? This is the real wonder.
Other very old bridges of the world had the genius of their builders on their side: Roman architects, for example, built extremely resistant bridges, made of huge blocks of stone, cut and fixed with the help of technology that amazes us to this day.
Yet, the small Clam Bridge did not have this advantage. It was simply through a combination of factors like its remote location, the mild climate and maybe the lack of events in the area that this rudimentary bridge, which comes from ancient times, has managed to stand firmly to this day.

Clapper Bridge and Pack-Horse Bridge

Clapper and packhorse bridgesPhoto: Jenny Beaumont
Clapper Bridge and Packhorse Bridge are located close to each other, and both date centuries back. Packhorse Bridge is believed to have originated some 800 years ago, but it has been rebuilt many times in that time span.
A clapper bridge is a common name, defining a very old bridge design that consists of a flat piece of granite, supported by a rock or on a pile of rocks. Due to their simple structure, many people have the impression that these types of bridges must be truly ancient, but the truth is that even though many are indeed very old, none of them is known to have been erected earlier than the Middle Ages.
Clapper Bridge in Wycoller is believed to have been put together later, in the 18th or 19th century, though some do not agree with this theory and place the bridge back in medieval times.
Bridges are not the only attractions in Wycoller: the ruins of Wycoller Hall, which was built in the 16th century, are very interesting to visit. Especially if you consider that the castle stood as an inspiration for Charlotte Brontë (who lived nearby) when she created Ferndean Manor, from her famous novel Jane Eyre.
The bridges of Wycoller village and the settlement itself will probably remain untouched for centuries to come and will delight tourists and travelers in the future as they do today. It is up to us to preserve them and to make sure that what nature spared, man will not destroy.
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4,5


A View of the Highlands and PatersonPhoto: Joseph Dunsay
Garret Mountain is a Passaic County park in Woodland Park, NJ just 16 miles from New York City, NY. It has athletics fields, picnic grounds, fishing areas, jogging and hiking paths, and an equestrian center. A neighboring public rifle camp serves gun enthusiasts.
Because Garret Mountain is high and near the boundary of the New Jersey Highlands, visitors can enjoy views ranging from the Manhattan skyline to forested mountains. There are coin-operated viewers at the
northeast side of the mountain where people can see the city of Paterson, NJ, the surrounding suburbs, and the forest beyond.
A Deer on Garret MountainPhoto: Joseph Dunsay
Although Garret Mountain is close to urban development, it contains wildlife such as deer and turkeys. Frequent encounters with humans have made the fauna relatively tame: they don't run away when people pass by them. Caution is still necessary when looking at these animals, however, because they could react dangerously if anyone comes near enough to make them feel threatened.
The Woods of Garret MountianPhoto: Joseph Dunsay
The hiking trails at Garret Mountain lead to rarely used wooded areas. Once inside these forests, hikers won't see any sign of development. The trail is rather short, but it offers peaceful solitude. Unlike the situation on better known trails, it is possible to sit along the trail for an hour or two without seeing another soul.
Lambert CastlePhoto: Joseph Dunsay
Lambert Castle is a historic building in Garret Mountain Park. This estate was once owned by a 19th-century immigrant from the UK who worked his way up Paterson's silk industry. Today, Lambert Castle is a museum with an eclectic collection that includes items from Paterson's history. The interior has a multistory, sunlit central atrium and baroque decorations. There is a small fee for entering the building, but visitors can tour the grounds for free. The balcony and patio at Lambert Castle have beautiful masonry and a view of midtown Manhattan.
The New York City SkylinePhoto: Joseph Dunsay
A walkway from Lambert Castle leads up a steep hill to an observation tower. From this tower, sightseers can gaze at all of Manhattan and Bergen County, NJ. An unofficial footpath paved by the shoes of countless hikers leads south from the tower into the woods. A recently renovated landscape leads west from the observation tower to the rest of Garret Mountain. Anyone unable to climb a steep slope can drive between Lambert Castle and the observation tower via circuitous roads.
The Observation TowerPhoto: Joseph Dunsay
Garret Mountain offers a unique blend of urban and natural sights, and it hosts a range of recreational facilities. Nature lovers can trade crowded metropolitan life for the isolated woods of Garret Mountain; lambert Castle is a cultural destination. An afternoon at Garret Mountain is definitely a pleasant option for locals.
Sources: 1, 2

Designer Wall coatings - Give your home a fresh look
By Shalu Nagpal

The remains of our ancestors past through pictures, feature wall covering and equipment, the fact that since the beginning of human life, people always special attention to the life of the beautiful places and give extra attention to the inner wall designs evidence. Times have changed, but human nature remains the same, and the eagerness a beautiful house to create in the year. As living standards have increased, and design tools have grown in proportion to their house rent and the walls were still an important part of creating the perfect place. Today, modern wall designs becoming very popular among those who like to keep things stylish and unique.

Today the walls play an important part of the designer to give your home a completely new and fresh look. Modern wall coverings come in many different shapes and designs that can easily taste the mood and pace for everyone. If you are looking for the best way to completely redesign your home, then the first thing you should do is change your inner wall of the projects, as well as the walls of your home base for any room. In addition to giving your home a new look, the wallpaper is too many ways to make your walls and harsh weather conditions and other elements of this protection comes from a number of varieties and qualities, you have a wide choice.

Wall Covering
Wall Covering
Wall Covering
If you plan on your ceiling and walls to replicate with modern wall designs, it is important that you carefully choose to bear in mind a few important factors: It is true that the designer wallpaper can give your home a completely new feel and a positive vibe They can also find out your entire room, but if you make the wrong choice, then your room and the house can really dull and boring look at your place in a very dark feel. It is therefore important that the samples that you can choose all the needs and style of the place to get them installed in the wall to make the right choice or not all that difficult these days, a big house providing companies find a wide variety of wall coverings that are characterized by different styles and designs all the needs.

They are available in a variety of materials are usually used designer clothes, embossed, foil covered, flocked paper, and includes various types of vinyl clothing, but the wallpaper is also available in special materials, interior design, such as cloth, silk, canvas, Mylar, bamboo and grass, but such information is required for professional help, because it is very difficult for someone without the necessary expertise to install, configure and maintain this type of coverage.

Wallpapers for the holidays - How to Free Desktop Wallpapers
By Harry K Willioms

Christmas wallpapers for computer screens and mobile phones to help us for the festive spirit. Many own or any other types of instruments, so they look festive mood Desktop picture of their favorite tools. There are several places on the web where you can upload photos of your choice, but some places are not so good, so you should be careful where you choose the photos.

Finding the background of your choice is simple, you just need a few simple procedures in this picture, you use the following table reflect your personal taste and preference. So, of course, you need something suitable to find out. Backgrounds in different themes, some are known for years, Santa Claus, Christmas tree, Christmas lights, Christmas decorations, Christmas gifts, Christmas ornaments, snow, Christmas bells, and many others. One of the most desired image using the image of the background of the snow on Santa's sleigh and many gifts.

2010 Wallpapers
2010 Wallpapers
2010 Wallpapers
Santa Claus is a beloved symbol of Christmas for children, and they also chose his picture on their computers have. With adults, there is no specific preference. Some websites have Wallpapers that many viruses and spyware conations This can lead to major long-term damage to your device, so you should be careful about it. Before downloading the image, use anti-virus software installed in your machine to scan. If this is not a threat to each other, go ahead and download it from your computer.

Upload the image to be used on your desktop simple process. Access to the site, which allows users to free wallpapers, go to the background section on the website, this can come across many different categories are included in the Wallpapers: Browse these pictures of all the sections and choose what you want to download. Right click on the picture with the mouse and you can see the download option. Following this simple process can help you get a free desktop wallpapers holidays.

Fashion Modeling Photography Services
By Michael Rafi

Fashion photography is a career specializing in actors headshots, fashion, and portraits and fashion areas. Fashion photographers should always strive for the highest level of photography, using the correct lighting, the mood of the appropriate model for the password. S, and ensure that the person photographed is comfortable prior to taking the shots. Perfect photography that is different from the failure and success. Whether indoors or outdoors, all Toronto photographers seeking the best models for the scenes, when looking for a photographer, that the demand for better services.

Many photographers specialize in Glamour, Fashion, modeling portfolios, actor Head \ Portrait Photos and commercial fashion photography, among other services: Photos should be able to correct mood and style, and comes with photos that impression to all those who see it. When looking for Toronto fashion photographer, looking for a photography directories for clothing and DESIGN FIRMS. This guide offers a variety of photo agencies and photographers. These photographers are specialized in fashion runway shows, fashion media and fashion photo areas.

Model Photos
Model Photos
Model Photos
Fashion photography is considered art, although it largely depends on the trade, there is a career goal. Modern fashion photographers see themselves as artists who can invent and reinvent different photo shoot techniques and style. For those who have always admired about photography and fashion, fashion photography can be a great career option. Work includes a lot of travel and making the feet of a beautiful exotic gardens, islands and historic places to stay with the photographer, celebrity fashion models and other talented professionals in the industry. It may also include taking pictures Super model public firms, so that they can fashion magazines are published.

Today it has become a fashion photographer, photographers can use Toronto as easy and reliable digital video cameras, editing photos, and modern software tools makes the job easy. It has a very profitable business model and a fashion shoot people in the photos include: However, more of fashion photography: be aware that going out of business and Crafts by shooting the best clothes, products and models photos. Being a fashion photographer to do more than average photographers a good picture. Artistic and technical skills necessary to fashion photographer. Moreover, a knack clothes you skills and natural styling. Plus great artistic tendency of the spirit of entrepreneurship and modeling.

This genre of photography is usually devoted to modeling, fashion and clothing. In many cases, it is for Toronto fashion magazines and advertisements. It has evolved over time, its requirements, and aesthetics, fashion and clothing for the improved use of exotic locations and story lines in this profession can be a real pleasure, when it is integrated with skills and talent. General public for a photography business, higher paychecks and international glamorous lifestyle that one of the most prestigious occupations. Each fashion photographer, who is the best magazines, more photographers to advertise their fashion, celebrity features, paparazzi and fashion advertising work as the primary means of earning a living.

Beautiful Love Wallpapers for Desktop
By Ivan Tokic

With Love Wallpapers for your computer can really bright your day, there are many photos to do with love, you are guaranteed a smile that many people are familiar with the heart and bows and arrows as symbols of love to each other, that it your background may also remind you that special one, at any time of day. Love Wallpapers for your message or quote can also be sports-loving, and loving images. These words have powerful meaning, or just to say I love you, but one thing is certain, every post you feel warm and stay inside. Hearts are very dynamic image, because many people love them, because these posters, especially those without love: They can be used to the whole image as a fresh and funky image creation.

Cupid of his bow and arrow is a typical kind of love the location, design, but now you can take a number of different ways, such as animation or art place. You can even get a few quotes to communicate with images of love and humor about their pubic Cartoon teddy bears or cartoon style wallpapers for a romantic, but now you can laugh off. Humour is a refreshing alternative to the old-fashioned love story in pictures of love. What can appeal even jokes about love, to feel their love is more comedy backgrounds.

Wallpapers Love
Wallpapers Love
Wallpapers Love
Valentine's Day, a time when many users their computer desktop background will change. Love the place, the most popular around this time, because people tend to feel happy and loving, and how to think about their loved ones: You can also select different styles and background of the beautiful animal photos and cuddly , colorful and exotic designs, scenes of natural beauty and famous poems and quotes over the years.

There is no doubt, they all want a beautiful computer background. Using the incredible range of art and affordable, you can bring your desktop to life. You can share the love by sending your favorite wallpapers to your friends or your family so they can make posters to remind you to them. There is probably more like the position available, than any other category, so do not worry you will never get bored, plus you can go and change the location of your love, how and when you want. You can even add personal photos like your love Wallpapers, entwining your picture, a beautiful panoramic views of funky colorful and modern design: Adapting your wallpaper for you to be so unique, no one will have the same background as you: Love your baby, always going to feel every time your computer, so get searching and find your special love of origin.


Svalbard SpitzbergenPhoto: JK-Netzwelt
Most ecosystems now reflect the presence of people, from pristine Arctic lakes to deserts. This could be indisputable evidence that humans have altered the atmospheric, geologic, aquatic and living systems on the planet. This should not be surprising. It is unlikely that 7 billion people inhabiting the planet would fail to alter it. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the changes have been so great that many scientists now believe we are entering a new epoch of time, the Anthropocene – meaning “New Man” – Epoch.

Threemile Canyons Farms LLCPhoto: friendsoffamilyfarms
While the Industrial Revolution is often considered the time when our influence on the planet became irreversible, the agricultural revolution began to change our landscape thousands of years ago. When early man domesticated animals and learned how to use tools, he learned how to grow his food. Trees were an important source of fuel and wood, and as populations started to increase, deforestation began on a massive scale. In 1086, William the Conqueror found less than 15% of the natural forest remained across the entire country of England. In China, during the Han Dynasty over 2,000 years ago, 56 million people needed trees for fuel and land for the people. Cedar trees once lined the road between Baghdad and Damascus through what is now a desert landscape. As those forests were growing, they pulled massive amounts of carbon out of the atmosphere and stored it in trees. By cutting down the trees, the carbon began to return to the atmosphere.
Soon the water cycle was disrupted. People began to cluster in small cities, often built near water sources. They learned how to harness the power of water, manipulating the flow of rivers to suit their needs. Eventually, huge earth dams were built to control the flow of water and the courses of rivers were modified. To grow more food to feed the people, farmers began irrigating their fields, pulling water out of the rivers. As a result, rivers that had been around for thousands of years are now often dry. The once-massive Aral Sea in the former Soviet Union is now a shadow of what it once was. Cleared forests could no longer hold in the water, and erosion became a problem. When dams failed, flooding became an issue. While the strongest winds of Hurricane Katrina missed New Orleans, the failure of several levees devastated the city, killing over 1,000 people.
New Orleans after KatrinaPhoto: Dental Ben
Today, pockets of earth are made up of huge concrete and steel cites. Entire ecosystems have been destroyed to make room for urban centers that continue to sprawl beyond their borders. We have to dig deep into the Earth to supply the concrete and coal needed to build our cities. So many plants and animals have been sacrificed in the name of urbanization that we now face a new mass extinction. As we search for more oil, gas and coal to fuel our cities, more ecosystems are disrupted.
The Alberta tar sands are one of the most controversial sources of energy of this century. Such deforestation in Canada could rival deforestation in the Amazon Basin. In order to continue with its tar sands, Canada will fail to meet its 1997 Kyoto commitments and is refusing to sign any further accords. In the United States and England, a controversial method of releasing natural gas out of rocks known as 'fracking' is compromising drinking water supplies, releasing toxic chemicals into the environment and causing small earthquakes.
suncor 2011Photo: Jasonwoodhead23
Even the vast oceans are being affected by humans. As pollution increases, the water becomes more acidic, affecting the lowest level in the food chain and threatening oceanic diversity. In the Pacific Ocean, high levels of plastics rotate around the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. As the Earth warms up, the Arctic icecap is shrinking, which raises sea levels, threatening coastal areas and increasing the frequency and intensity of storms. We now also send so much fertilizer down rivers that dead zones are on the rise in the ocean and are visible from space.
Ice calving from Hubbard GlacierPhoto: Alan Vernon on Flickr
The most discussed human-induced change to the planet, however, is global warming. Carbon that was naturally deposited into the Earth over millions of years is being returned in less than two centuries. Unfortunately, while we have been debating the harmful effects of the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle has been ignored. The fixing of nitrogen from the atmosphere into useful compounds is increasing rapidly. About 40% of nitrogen in the protein we eat today comes from artificial fertilizer. Without this artificial fertilizer, there could not be seven billion people on the planet. But excess nitrogen is dumped in our ecosystem at a rapid pace, entering our water systems and causing undesirable growths. Nitrogen feeds thousands of toxic algal blooms, pulling oxygen out of the aquatic system and leading to dead zones. Nitrogen pulled from the atmosphere was also used in many bombs for 20th-century warfare.
Lake MenteithPhoto: Dr. Richard Murray licensed under Creative Commons
One thousand years ago, conventional wisdom placed the Earth at the center of the universe. As our understanding increased, we realized that the Earth was billions of years old and just a small part of the universe. As we learned about evolution, homo sapiens were placed on a single twig of the tree of life. The Anthropocene Epoch reverses this trend, making humans central to the workings and elemental in the forces of the natural world. It is this knowledge that leads us to think that we are severely modifying the planet.
