slow motion photography
Bursting of a bubble is very simple for us, finger is prod and – pop! and its vanished. But these breathtaking photos show that this process is spectacular.

extreme slow motion images

Richard Heeks spent many weeks capturing these images, a tiny prod with finger.
bubble bursting photograph
After being poked the surface of the breaks up, from one side to another, turning its surface into a multitude of droplets which appear to hang in the air.
Bubble bursting
Photographer Richard Heeks, from Exeter, used a fast shutter speed of 1/500th of a second and chose a perfect wind-free day so nothing would disturb his shoot, while his wife Sarah provided the all-important finger.
extreme slow motion photography
high quality slow motion photography
Within the blink of an eye, what was once a splendid bubble is now nothing but a fine mist falling to the floor.