Mosse finds inspiration for his work in art and literature, citing Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” as an influence for his journey to Congo. “That novella is full of preposterous and enigmatic images.”
Mosse used Aerochrome, an obsolete technology, to create an alternative image of the complex social and political dynamics of the country.
In his Quick series, Mosse documents the conflicts in Congo using infra-red film, which make his images seem magical and serenely beautiful, but reality continuously lurks in the faces of refugees and the rifles brandished by purple-uniformed soldiers.
Eastern Congo photos  Photos of Eastern Congo by Richard Mosse
Eastern Congo photos 2 Photos of Eastern Congo by Richard Mosse

Eastern Congo photos 11 Photos of Eastern Congo by Richard Mosse
Eastern Congo photos 41 Photos of Eastern Congo by Richard Mosse
Eastern Congo photos 71 Photos of Eastern Congo by Richard Mosse
Eastern Congo photos 91 Photos of Eastern Congo by Richard Mosse